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Q&A: Treasure Island's Jason Soto on Talent Acquisition & Tourism Recovery

Jason Soto, Talent Acquisition & Compensation Manager, Treasure Island Las Vegas provided his insights on hiring workers and tourism recovery in Las Vegas.

Jason Soto, Talent Acquisition & Compensation Manager, Treasure Island Las Vegas

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Job fairs are a great way to source talent for any employer. In May, Treasure Island Las Vegas held an on-site job fair to promote several job openings for those looking for employment.

Jason Soto, Talent Acquisition & Compensation Manager, Treasure Island Las Vegas weighs in:

How has Treasure Island fared since the “return” of tourism following the heavier parts of the pandemic?

Everyone in the Las Vegas tourism industry felt the impact of the pandemic, both from the Strip shutting down and the slow return to people feeling comfortable to travel again. Fortunately, Treasure Island has seen tourism come back in a good way. Recently, the property has seen a jump in the right direction as more guests return to the Strip. We are seeing a big demand for our property’s amenities.

How has this necessitated the need for more workers?

It seems that travelers are feeling comfortable enough to take that vacation that they may have been putting off for the last couple years. With the increased demand, comes the need to hire more employees to continue to provide excellent service to our guests.

What positions are in most demand?

We have quite a few positions that are in demand right now! Banquet jobs tend to fill up quickly, but all other positions we’re still looking to fill include: accounting, food and beverage, housekeeping, hotel front desk, retail, security, box office, lifeguards, technicians and slots departments.

What has been the outcome of these job hiring fairs?

Overall, we’ve seen outstanding success. We have had 30-40+ new employees hired to join the Treasure Island Family in just one day at one of our job fairs. It’s crucial for Treasure Island to fill these open positions, but it’s also even more important to help this community get back on its feet and help our hardworking locals, many who have built their lives in hospitality, get back into the workforce.

When will you be hosting another one, and how can job seekers prepare?

Treasure Island will be hosting our job fairs on a monthly basis until we are able to reach a sufficient level of staffing so that our employees are able to meet the demand for our property’s amenities.

If you’re interested in working for a Las Vegas Strip property, check out Treasure Island’s Employment Site and apply today! If you see yourself getting ready for one of our job fairs, you can speed up the process and be a step ahead by filling out an application online.

It’s also always a good idea to show up prepared. Dress to impress, do your homework, find out more information on the position you’re applying for and be ready to tell us why you feel you are a great fit for the position. Perspective employees can access the Treasure Island Employment site at

How do you feel the current state of tourism and the world will impact business in Las Vegas?

Busy, Busy, Busy! Thankfully, the tourism industry has been much busier as of late, which every business owner and resident in Las Vegas wants to hear. When tourism is up, Las Vegas thrives, and when Las Vegas is thriving business-wise we all do better as a community. We hope tourism continues to trend upward and that we all continue to see the benefits of that impact.

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