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Yesterday, North Las Vegas City Councilman Scott Black and the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) Board of Directors voted to approve a total of $37 million toward the Garnet Valley Water and Wastewater Systems allowing for the further development of Apex Industrial Park. Located in North Las Vegas, Apex is the single largest industrial park available in Southern Nevada, with over 7,000 developable acres and lot sizes ranging from 5 to 1,500 acres.
The SNWA allocation will fund final engineering design services and initial construction for a second waterline and sewer wastewater project. The water system project includes a 15 mile transmission main, a 20 million-gallon-per-day pumping station, a 5 million gallon reservoir and a power substation. The sewer system includes more than 14 miles of gravity and force main sewer lines, and three wastewater lift stations.
The City of North Las Vegas and developer partners previously funded a multiphase waterline. Phase 1 serves Southern Apex and Phase 2 serves Central Apex. This initial investment has led to the growth and development of Minors Mesa, where more than 2.4 million square feet of development are underway. Phase 1 was completed in 2021 and Phase 2 is slated for completion by the end of 2023.
A 2022 Applied Analysis report concluded that when fully developed, Apex will spur an estimated $7 billion in private investment and add more than 73,000 jobs for the Southern Nevada economy.