Nevada State Bank Branches Accepting Donations for the Communities In Schools of Nevada Fill the Bus School Supplies Drive

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Through July 15, Nevada State Bank branches are accepting new school supplies donations to support Communities In Schools of Nevada’s Fill the Bus School Supplies Drive. Items needed include backpacks, planners, bookmarks, lunch boxes and bags, highlighters, pencil sharpeners, and composition notebooks. School uniforms, athletic shoes, underwear, and girls’ sports bras also will be accepted.

In addition, those looking to make a monetary donation instead can do so online at

“We want to make it as easy as possible for our community to donate school supplies this year. Simply bring your school supplies to any Las Vegas-area NSB branch, and we’ll drop them off for you at the Communities In Schools Fill the Bus event,” said Sandi Milton, SVP, marketing communications and events manager for Nevada State Bank. “We even have an option for community members to donate money virtually, making it convenient to give what they can to make sure every child has the supplies they need when school starts.”

On July 21, the collected school supplies will be delivered to the Communities In Schools Fill the Bus event held at Sam’s Club on I-215 & Rainbow. Communities In Schools of Nevada is the local affiliate of the nation’s leading dropout prevention program. The nonprofit works on-site in schools, ensuring every student is empowered to stay in school and achieve their goals.

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