Nevada Captures Two Winter Workforce Innovation Awards

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The National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) honored the Nevada Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation (DETR) with two prestigious awards: the Pinnacle Award for Business Development and the Data Insights and Innovations Award at the 2023 Winter Policy Forum in Washington, D.C.

The Pinnacle Award for Business Development is awarded to a state demonstrating excellence and innovation in the area of employer engagement.

Nevada DETR received the award for its EmployNV Business Hub. Located within libraries and city halls, these business hubs provide employment and training services from the public workforce development system to businesses. Nationally, this is the first time these resources were embedded within a chamber of commerce, placing workforce resources where employers already visit. The business hubs feature WIOA Title I, III and IV, Small Business Administration staff, and local financial institutions.

The Data Insights and Innovations Award is awarded to a state demonstrating excellence and innovation in the area of labor market information.

Nevada DETR received the award for its Use of R in Producing Labor Market Information, led by Chief Economist David Schmidt, that developed reproducible, automated reports from publicly available data in a format that can be shared with other states. This initiative improved comparisons between state and national data and increased efficiency in data analysis, allowing more work to be done with existing funding.